Newsroom The “Ten Commandments” for Dealing with an Underinsured Loss
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Though tornadoes come and go swiftly and with little warning, their damage can be lasting. In the wake of such sudden destruction to your property…

Property damage is often unexpected and certainly causes financial and emotional stress. Today, we’re addressing situations where your property is…

Jansen/Adjusters International has handled wind and water claims for over 40 years. Here are some of the most common Q&As we get asked.

It’s impossible to predict the devastation a property fire can cause, but it is essential to prepare for and anticipate the steps toward recovery.

On Thursday, October 6th Jansen/Adjusters International celebrated the 40-year career of longtime friend and colleague Chris Rich in the Houston…

Each year, hurricane season brings severe water and wind damage to homes across the country. With experts predicting above-average hurricane and…

When you work with Jansen/Adjusters International to settle your property damage claim, a public adjuster isn’t the only member of your recovery…

For the majority of their life, a child’s world revolves around their school. Unfortunately, in many areas of the country, natural disasters can…

For decades, the only option most property owners had for purchasing flood insurance was the federal government’s National Flood Insurance Program…

The most important part of a public adjuster’s role is simple: show up. One of the biggest ways we show up is in person. After a disaster, our team…
Congratulations to Art (Artie) Jansen Jr., SPPA, for being the youngest Public Adjuster to pass his Senior Professional Public Adjuster (SPPA) exam
Chris Rich and Thomas Krautner are featured in the April edition of Today's Hotelier, the trusted monthly magazine for hoteliers. This franchising…